6 ways how this Government Scheme (NSIC) will help you market your Business for Free !

National Small Industries Corporation ( nsic)

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By Anmol Goel

The National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) is an important organization in India that supports the growth of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). One of the main challenges that small businesses face is marketing their products and services. NSIC offers several services to help MSMEs overcome these challenges and succeed in the marketplace. This guide will explain, in simple terms, how NSIC helps small businesses with marketing.

What is NSIC?

NSIC is a government agency that works under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). It was established in 1955 with the goal of supporting and promoting the growth of small businesses in India. NSIC offers a wide range of services, including marketing support, financial assistance, technology support, and training programs.

Why Marketing Support is Important for MSMEs

Marketing is essential for any business because it helps to:

  • Reach Customers: Let potential buyers know about the products or services.
  • Increase Sales: Boost revenue by attracting more customers.
  • Build Brand Awareness: Create a recognizable brand that stands out in the market.
  • Compete Effectively: Stay competitive against larger companies with more resources.

However, many small businesses struggle with marketing due to limited budgets, lack of expertise, and difficulties in accessing wider markets. This is where NSIC steps in to help.

How NSIC Helps with Marketing

NSIC offers several programs and services to help MSMEs with their marketing needs. Here’s a detailed look at these services:

1. Subsidy for marketing expenditure.

The Ministry of MSME has introduced the Adoption of e-Commerce Policy under the PMS Scheme, which offers financial assistance for annual membership fees, subscription fees, and expenses related to photography, cataloguing, and advertising. This support is available for Micro Enterprises selling products or services through the “MSME Global Mart” portal managed by NSIC. Eligible participants must have a valid Udyam registration.

Micro Enterprises can receive financial assistance covering 75% of their paid expenses, up to a maximum of Rs. 25,000 (excluding taxes) per financial year. Additionally, Micro and Small Enterprises are eligible for 80% financial assistance under the NSSH scheme.

2. Consortia and Tender Marketing

NSIC helps small businesses participate in government and large company tenders through its consortia and tender marketing services. Here’s how it works:

  • Forming Consortia: NSIC groups together small businesses that produce similar products. By forming a consortium, these businesses can collectively bid for large contracts that they wouldn’t be able to handle individually.
  • Tender Marketing: NSIC assists MSMEs in finding and applying for government tenders. It provides guidance on how to prepare tender documents and meet the requirements.

This service helps small businesses win bigger contracts, increase their sales, and gain valuable experience in dealing with large orders.

3. Single Point Registration Scheme (SPRS)

The Single Point Registration Scheme is a special program that makes it easier for MSMEs to participate in government procurement. Here’s what it offers:

  • Simplified Registration: MSMEs can register with NSIC to become eligible for government purchases.
  • Exemptions: Registered MSMEs get several benefits, such as exemption from earnest money deposit(EMD) and free tender documents.
  • Preference: Government departments give preference to MSMEs registered under SPRS, which increases their chances of winning contracts.

This scheme helps small businesses reduce the costs and complexities of participating in government tenders.

4. Exhibitions and Trade Fairs

NSIC organizes and facilitates participation in various domestic and international trade fairs and exhibitions. This provides MSMEs with:

  • Exposure: Opportunities to showcase their products to a large audience, including potential buyers, partners, and investors.
  • Networking: Chances to connect with other businesses, industry experts, and government officials.
  • Market Insights: Valuable feedback and insights into market trends, customer preferences, and competitor strategies.

Participating in trade fairs and exhibitions can significantly boost the visibility and reputation of small businesses.

5. B2B and B2C Portals

NSIC operates online portals that help MSMEs market their products and services:

  • B2B (Business to Business) Portal: This platform connects MSMEs with other businesses, enabling them to find new partners, suppliers, and customers.
  • B2C (Business to Consumer) Portal: This platform helps MSMEs reach individual consumers directly, expanding their customer base.

These online portals make it easier for small businesses to market their products without the need for a large marketing budget.

6. Marketing Intelligence

NSIC provides MSMEs with marketing intelligence services, which include:

  • Market Research: Information on market trends, customer preferences, and emerging opportunities.
  • Competitor Analysis: Insights into the strategies and performance of competitors.
  • Product Positioning: Guidance on how to position products in the market to attract more customers.

Marketing intelligence helps MSMEs make informed decisions and develop effective marketing strategies.

Many small businesses have benefited from NSIC’s marketing support. For example:

  • A Small Textile Firm: By participating in NSIC-organized trade fairs, a small textile firm was able to secure large orders from international buyers, significantly increasing its revenue.
  • A Handicrafts Manufacturer: Through the Single Point Registration Scheme, a handicrafts manufacturer won several government contracts, helping the business grow and employ more artisans.


NSIC plays a crucial role in helping small businesses in India overcome marketing challenges and succeed in the marketplace. Through its various programs and services, NSIC provides MSMEs with the tools and support they need to reach new customers, increase sales, and compete effectively. Whether it’s through consortia and tender marketing, participation in trade fairs, online portals, or marketing intelligence, NSIC’s comprehensive marketing support helps MSMEs achieve sustainable growth and contribute to the economy.

What is the Single Point Registration Scheme (SPRS)?

SPRS simplifies the process for MSMEs to participate in government procurement, offering benefits like exemption from earnest money deposits and free tender documents.

What are NSIC’s B2B and B2C portals?

These online platforms help MSMEs connect with other businesses (B2B) and reach individual consumers (B2C) to expand their customer base.

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