Now pay Zero Income Tax under Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act

Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act


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By Anmol Goel

Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961, is a pivotal provision that can make your income tax liability significantly reduce to zero if your business, based in an SEZ, is involved in exporting goods or services.

Key Benefits Under Section 10AA

1. 100% Tax Exemption for First Five Years:

New units set up in an SEZ can avail a 100% income tax exemption on export income for the first five consecutive assessment years.

2. 50% Tax Exemption for Next Five Years:

Following the initial period, businesses are eligible for a 50% tax exemption on export income for the next five years.

3. 50% Tax Exemption on Reinvested Profits for Another Five Years:

For the subsequent five years, a further 50% exemption is available on the amount of profit ploughed back into the business as reinvestment.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the benefits under Section 10AA, businesses must meet the following conditions:

1. Establishment in SEZ:

The business unit must be established in a notified SEZ area and must be engaged in export activities.

2. New Business:

The unit should be a new establishment, not formed by splitting up or reconstructing an already existing business.

3. Export-Oriented:

The unit must primarily deal in the export of goods or services, and the income should be derived from these export activities.

4. Foreign Exchange Earnings:

The unit must earn and bring foreign exchange into India through its export activities.

5. Net Foreign Exchange Earnings:

The business must achieve a positive net foreign exchange earning status, which means the foreign exchange inflow must exceed the foreign exchange outflow.

Steps to Avail Tax Benefits

1. Set Up in an SEZ:

Choose an appropriate SEZ based on the business sector and set up the unit as per SEZ regulations.

2. Obtain Necessary Approvals:

Get the required approvals from the Development Commissioner of the SEZ and other relevant authorities.

3. Maintain Separate Books of Accounts:

Maintain separate books of accounts for the SEZ unit to clearly demarcate the export income.

4. Ensure Compliance:

Comply with all regulatory requirements, including filing regular returns and fulfilling other procedural formalities.

5. Certification of Accounts:

Get the accounts certified by a Chartered Accountant to confirm the amount of export income and the corresponding tax exemption.

Practical Implication of the Act

Imagine a tech startup setting up its operations in an IT SEZ in Bangalore. In its first year, the startup earns an export income of ₹10 crore. Under Section 10AA, the entire ₹10 crore is exempt from income tax for the first five years. For the next five years, the startup enjoys a 50% tax exemption on export income, and if it reinvests its profits back into the business, it can continue to avail 50% exemption on the reinvested profits for another five years.


Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act is a powerful incentive for businesses engaged in export activities to significantly reduce their tax liabilities. By setting up in an SEZ and adhering to the specified conditions, businesses can enjoy substantial tax benefits, thus enhancing their profitability and growth potential. This provision not only aids individual businesses but also contributes to India’s economic development by promoting exports and attracting foreign investment.

To consult about this section of income tax for your business for free you can click here

Frequently Asked FAQ’s

What is section 10AA of Income Tax Act

Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act provides tax exemptions for businesses in SEZs engaged in exporting goods or services. This provision allows for a 100% tax exemption on export income for the first five years, followed by a 50% exemption for the next five years, and an additional 50% exemption on reinvested profits for another five years.

What are the benefits of Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act

1. 100% tax exemption on export income for the first five years.
2. 50% tax exemption on export income for the subsequent five years.
3. 50% tax exemption on reinvested profits for an additional five years.

What are the eligibility criteria for exemptions under Section 10AA of Income Tax Act

You need to be a Be a new establishment, not formed by splitting up or reconstructing an existing business established in a notified SEZ area which Primarily deal in the export of goods or services.

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